fzf - adigitoleo/vim-mellow GitHub Wiki

An experimental colorscheme for fzf, designed to work for both light and dark variants. Requires mellow colors to be set up as the base 16 colors in your terminal emulator (see the Alacritty page, for example). The snippet should be added to ~/.bashrc for bash or ~/.zshrc for zsh or wherever your shell sets it's runtime configuration.

    export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="
        --color fg:12,bg:-1,hl:1,fg+:-1,bg+:-1,hl+:1,preview-fg:-1
        --color prompt:2,gutter:-1,pointer:-1,marker:6,spinner:3,info:3
        --color border:12,header:12

See also: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/Color-schemes