Java coding guidelines - adidas/adidas-contribution-guidelines GitHub Wiki

Java coding guidelines

adidas Java coding guidelines are based on Google Java Style Guide with minor customization.

Structure of Java source file

A source file must always have the following structure (in given order), with one empty line between them:

* Copyright notice

* Package definition

* Import statements (zero or more)

* Class API documentation comment

* Class code

    - Variables (static, then object, also includes enums)

    - Constructors

    - Methods

        - Functional methods

        - Getters / setters / delegates

        - Inner classes

Code style


  • Do not use tabs, use plus 2 spaces.
    • Continuation lines use plus 4 spaces.


  • Separating any reserved word if, else , for or catch from any open/close parenthesis (/) or brace {/}.
  • Around of any binary or ternary operator.
  • Around colon : in a for statement.
  • Around arrow -> in a lambda expression.


We follow the K&R variant: 1TBS.

/* Correct use */
if (y > 1) {
} else {

/* Incorrect use */
if (y > 1)

/* Incorrect use */
if (y > 1) increase(y);
else decrease(y);

Empty blocks

/* Correct use */
void doNothing() { }

/* Incorrect use */
void doNothing() {

100 Column limit

We have to follow the limit of 100 character per line taking into account the next exceptions:

  • Package and import statements.

Chained methods

/* Correct use */
List<Client> clients = new ArrayList<Client>()
  .add(new Client("John"))
  .add(new Client ("Jean"))
  .add(new Client ("Mark"));

/* Incorrect use */
List<Client> clients = new ArrayList<Client> ().add(new Client("John"))
  .add(new Client ("Jean")).add(new Client ("Mark"));

Name convention

Naming rule Format
Package lowercase, in case a package contains more than one word, just the concatenation of them in lowercase, without underscore.
Variables lowerCamelCase
Class UpperCamelCase


It covers only comments in the code , there is a specific section related with Javadoc.

Comment style

Find below examples about the different ways accepted to comment the code.

 * This is a multiline comment.

/* Inline comment */

// Inline comment.



Javadoc is mandatory for every public class and every public or protected method part of this class. The general formatting of Javadoc block is the detailed below.

 * Writting here multiple lines of Javadoc text.
 * <p>Example of a second paragraph.</p>
 * @param key The value key.
 * @param value The value sample.
 * @return The absolute value.
 * @throws CustomException if the value does not exist.

Each paragraphs contained in a Javadoc text have to start with <p> just before the first word.

Block tags

The use of any of the standard block tags should be done in the next order @param as many occurrences as parameters in order, @return and @throws. After them, it is mandatory to add a description.

Good Practices


  • Code must not contain empty catch blocks, only in some special cases is allowed to keep a catch block empty and it must be documented properly justifying it.
  • A proper exception hierarchy must be present.


Mark a method with the @override annotation whenever you are overriding a method.

  • It will increase the readability of the code.
  • The compiler will check that method in the parent class. It can help the developers to avoid mistakes such as wrong parameter types or method name.

Links of interest

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