Testing - adichills/kammardi-s-aditya-webdev GitHub Wiki

Types of roles supported by the News Hub website

  1. Normal - Privileges include -

    • Searching a News Media from the News Media Search page and adding the news media to their dashboard
    • Viewing the latest news articles from a news media source
    • Saving a new article
    • Following other normal users or publishers
    • Viewing the profile of other users and checking out their saved articles / published articles
    • Commenting on articles saved/published by those users
    • Reporting comments and articles
  2. Publisher - Privileges include

    • All the privileges a normal user has .
    • Create new article and publish them
    • View their published article
  3. Admin - Privileges include

    • All the privileges the normal user has
    • Create /Edit users
    • View total number of users / articles /comments and News Media
    • Delete Reported Comments
    • Delete Reported Articles
  4. Anonymous

    • Search News Media and read latest articles from new media

Testing the users



Access the Register screen either by clicking on register link in the header or on the register link in the login screen Enter the username ,password and verify password. Select the role as Normal

On Login

The normal user will be directed to the dashboard screen ,where user can view all their favorite news media,

Adding news media to dashboard

Clicking on the search icon or the news hub button will take them to news media search screen ,where they can view more news media sources and add them to their dashboard.

Saving an article

Clicking on the eye icon on a news media in their dashboard will take them to a page where top 10 latest articles are displayed. And clicking on one of the articles' link will take them to the article detail page and here they can save the article by clicking on the save button.

Viewing saved article

The user can view his/her saved article by either clicking on the bookmark icon in their dashboard or the bookmark icon in their profile page

Follow /Unfollow another user

Click on the profile button in the header. Then click on the + icon under the following tab.Then in the user search screen search for a user by username and then follow / unfollow them either by clicking on the thumbs up /down button in the search result or click on the username link in the search result and navigate to the user's profile and then click on the thumbs up / thumbs down button in the user's profile

View Saved /Published articles of other users

The user can view the saved articles of the users they are following or the users that follow them by clicking on the saved/published articles link against that user in their profile page . They can also visit other user's profile page from the user search screen or from their own profile page and then click on the bookmark icon(saved articles) or the double tag icon (Published articles)

Comment on the user's articles or their own articles

The user can do this by navigating to the saved articles / published articles detail page and enter the text in the comments section and press the add comment icon.

Report a comment

Click on the flag icon in the comment section in the article detail page

Report article

Click on the report article button in the article detail page


On Login

The publisher is taken to a screen where all his/her published articles are present. The published articles page can also be accessed via the published button in the header.

Publish a new article

Click on add button in the published articles page and when navigated to create/edit article screen , enter the article details such as article url , article title , article image url and click create.

Edit a published article

Click on the edit icon against an article in the published article page and the user will be directed to edit article page


On Login

The admin is taken to an Admin screen where the user can view the number of users in the system, number of articles ,number of reported articles , number of comments and number of reported comments. Only the Light blue buttons navigate to respective screens where the admin can take some action and the gray ones currently do not navigate .

Create User

Click on the Users link in the admin screen , the admin will be taken to a a user search screen, click on the + icon and the admin will be taken to manage user screen here the admin can add a new user and click on the green + icon to save.

Edit user

Click on the Users link in the admin screen , the admin will be taken to a user search screen, search for a user by username and then click on the username link , clicking on it the admin will be taken to a manage user screen ,where the admin can update the user information or delete

Delete Reported Articles

Click on the Reported link under the manage articles section in the admins screen , and the admin will be navigated to a reported articles screen and click on the delete icon against an article,this will delete it.

Delete reported comments

Click on the Reported link under the manage comment section in the admins screen, and the admin will be navigated to a reported comments screen and click on the delete icon against a comment ,this will delete it.