Prototype - adichills/kammardi-s-aditya-webdev GitHub Wiki

User to User Relation

  1. A user can search other users by username and either follow or unfollow them. The user can also view the saved articles of his followers or of the users he/she follows.
  2. A user can also comment on articles saved by other users, flag the comments as abuse.

Below are the steps to test these

  1. Log in to News hub and navigate to Profile page by clicking on profile button in the header.
  2. Click on the + symbol under the following tab.
  3. Search users in news hub by typing the username of a user and clicking search ,if you do not know any username ,just click on the search button and you can see all the users
  4. You can follow the user either by clicking on the thumbs up icon in the search result or by navigating to the user detail page by clicking on the username link and then clicking the thumbs up button or the follow button in the user detail page.
  5. Once you follow the user , you will appear in the follower section of the user your following in that user's user detail page , and that user will appear in the following section of your profile page. 6.Click on the saved articles link in the above sections and you will navigate to that user's saved articles page. Here you can view all the articles that user has saved. Click on one of the articles will navigate you to the article detail page. 7.In the article detail page , you can view the comments made by other users and you can flag them if you find it abusive , you can also comment on these articles.

User to Domain Relation

Each user in News hub , has a personal dashboard created for him/her and he/she can use this dashboard to read news articles from their favorite News Channel. They can add a news channel from the 60 available sources as a favorite and this shows up in the dashboard as a news source/media. They can then view top 10 latest articles from the source ,and if they like an article they can save it. They can also read more about the article from the news source/media's website.

Below are the steps to test these.

  1. Login to News Hub and if you have registered as a normal user , you will be directed to Dashboard screen. Upon landing here if you have no favorite news media ,you can click on the Add news media button in the dashboard and you will be navigated to the News Source search screen
  2. In the News Source Search screen you can search from the available 60 sources and click on the add icon on the search result , and this source will get added to your dashboard. You can also choose to visit the news source /website page by clicking on the news globe icon . Clicking on the eye icon will take you the screen which displays top 10 latest articles
  3. Navigate to the dashboard screen by clicking on the dashboard tab on the header , here clicking on the eye icon like the step above will take you to the page which displays top 10 articles from that source.
  4. You can go to the article detail screen by clicking on the article title link, and once you are here you have the option of saving this article / reading the article in the news media website