POC - adichills/kammardi-s-aditya-webdev GitHub Wiki

Below are the links to the POC which demonstrates the use of NewsAPI

  1. Search Screen - Search Screen. This is he screen where the user can search for various news media (about 70). If he/she is not sure about the search text, clicking on the search icon shows all the news media. Each search result is in the form of a thumbnail and displays the News Media name and a small description about the news Media. (This data is from the API) At top right of each thumbnail there three links The first one when clicked add this news media to the User's dashboard (For the sake of this POC there is only one default User) The second link opens a detail articles page for the news media which shows top 10 latest articles from the news media The third link opens a the public website of the news media. This screen can also be accessed by clicking on the Sources button in the header.

  2. Dashboard Screen Link - Dashboard Screen This screen is intended to be a personalized screen for each user. At present there is only one user and be default 2 news media are shown as tabs on top. Clicking on each of the tabs will show the top 10 articles from the news media. Additional news media can be added from the Sources page and if the user comes back to dashboard he/she can see articles from the newly added news media ,as a new tab

3 Articles Page This page has 10 latest articles from a news media and can be reached from the Sources page. Clicking on Read at present will navigate to the article in the news media's public website.

All the data above are coming from NewsAPI There are only two endpoints which are sufficient for this project

  1. https://newsapi.org/v1/articles - Takes in different paramters to filter by News Media source and sort criteria
  2. https://newsapi.org/v1/sources - Returns all the 70 News Media data