positive distraction - adhdgeeks/ADHD-Geeks GitHub Wiki

Stimulus as part of my concept of "ADHD Geek therapy"

(Sorry for the offtopic and some kind of "charity advertisement")

We get attracted by stimulus, so I consider we can use it in a positive way.

About music and sounds

My most productive moments are using fast rhythmic music that lack voices or has repetitive phrases that motivate me.

Can lights help me to focus and correct bad behavior?

(I think so if combined with other ways and crowsourced support, correct me if I'm wrong)

  • I would like to get help and help others to be noticed about pending tasks and get forced to plan them.
  • It's not just about will power.
    • This argument drives me nuts because I'm tired of failing again and again and feeling very bad:
  • It's a about:
    • Get motivation.
    • Sometimes we need to be notified of some stupidity we often do, we feel very bad after realizing we did it so many times.
    • Be in good mood and feel with alike people in a productive environment for all of us.
    • Correct erratic conducts, specially those not mitigated or fixed in childhood: That happens to me, I was diagnosed as adult just two years ago, despite I had very clear symphtoms in childhood.
  • I'm a geek that has ADHD (Attention Defficit Hyperactivity-Disorder). Despite my inaccurate English and lack, lack of proper writing and able to do something with a proper order (see awful bad try to make a support group here ADHD Geeks and sorry for my inaccurate English and chaotic writing!) and would love to use all kind of ways to make me out of my massive distraction issues.

I'm an electronics student, but I like computers too as equal. I'm a total fanatic of technology, I like both the hard and soft!

Here's my pitiful stuff that these days I spread everywhere

(It helps me to be more aware of it and get some support)

  • I have agoraphobic issues when in bad mood and emotionally very sensitive:
  • When women and friends are good to me, I get to feel very nice! But world goes to hell when things get bad.
  • I also break software because too experimenting in an impulsive way: Backups? Proced? I get mad and touch everything I can! :(

  • I often forget homework or tasks to get bucks.

  • I get easily distracted with "shiny" stuff, and hours finish extremely fast!
  • I get obsessed with novelties:
  • Oh a new linux distro: But I often read too much about it and forget to try it in a pragmatic way, like a VM.
  • A new IC: I download tons of datasheets about electronic components, application notes and such.
  • A new app: I try it until I get bored or no idea what to do.
  • A new article about X technology or new product (computer, IC, technology): I read it like if it's a tabloid, but never do something interesting with it.
  • I even get obsesed with geeking my crap in a totally absurd and non-focusing way. It makes no sense and I feel stupid later:
    • Writing about it for myself or asking a lot on forums or issue trackers, like now!
    • Making lists about what to do, goals or to have to make certain projects that I never achieve.
    • Collecting information obsessively that I often not order it properly.

How lights would help me as alarm?

  • Giving me some kind of "epileptic" colors to alert and stimulate me to do things, combined with other stuff.
  • We are dopamine addicts! We need to be stimulated and some of us even need prescription drugs to focus.