A New Wiki to Test GitHub Wikis - adgang/atom-time GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the atom-time wiki!

We are going to try and create a wiki with all the features we need. The other candidate is Google sites. Since this wiki is on GitHub, naturally history should be a first class feature along with user and hopefully even blame. I would like check the availability of indexing first. Because that is one convenient feature in sites and not seen on GitHubs file reader in repos(Which supports only markups).

Here's a heading

A smaller heading

A List

  1. FIrst
  2. Second
  3. Three
  4. Fourth

Another list

  • One
  • Two

I like smileys and emojies. :laughing: :camel: :+1:

How about listing PRs of some repo:


Permissions seem to be an issue. Otherwise users referred by start should be linked.