Technical Minutes 2022 03 24 - adewg/ICAR GitHub Wiki

ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group – Technical Meeting 24 March 2022

  • In attendance: Alexey S, Andrew C, Andreas S, Erwin S, Graham M


Items to discuss today are: mandating RFC3339; expected milk yield; icarResource Discriminator property; streaming API for bulk data sharing; herd level milk recording

1. Milk recording information on herd level (#184)

The pull request #284 is marked as draft. Andrew has viewed the pull request but not yet marked it as Reviewed. When people start using this, we may get additions to be added to the enumeration. Erwin suggested Robert F might be suitable to review this as he provided much of the initial information about group statistics. Andrew to contact Robert and take him through it

2. Consider mandating RFC3339 instead of ISO 8601 (#286)

Graham said one of his devs considered RFC3339, a subset of ISO 8601 that better matched the language we use to describe the values we are expecting. It tightens the specification without us using some slightly ambiguous wording and some comments. We recommend the group consider this, but also we should modify the example URL Schemes to show the format that is expected.

3. Expected milk yield? (#285)

There had been a proposal to extend TestDayResultEventResource to have some sort of indicator of the expected milk weight. We agreed we should add milkWeight24HoursPredicted.

We also thought it would be useful to consider how predictions are interchanged more generally.

4. Current icarResource Discriminator property doesnt appear valid (#278)

We agreed that it makes sense to try and align our ADE 1.3 release with when the repaired openapi-generator (6.0.0) is available. However, it could be released earlier if that is delayed.

At the time we release 1.3, as there are not any semantic changes people can either:

  • Adopt 1.3 with updated tooling if required
  • Adopt 1.3 and manually adjust their code generation
  • Remain with 1.2

We also agreed to tidy away the unnecessary discriminators in classes derived from ResourceType (collections and events). Finally, the discriminator for icarIdentifierTypes is not really needed, but we should ensure this does not stop code generating.

5. A streaming API for bulk data sharing or update (#257)

It would be good if people could read and make comments.

6. Tying documentation to releases

Graham suggested having the version number in the ReadMe and tidy how we publish to make it clearer. The Wiki does not have any versions to correlate with releases. We might want to tidy it up in the future to have nicely timed releases, we know which version we are looking at when you go to AB-1. Semantics can be versioned for different releases as well. Currently there is nothing that ties documentation to releases.

Next meeting scheduled for 7 April 2022 at 8:15am CET