Technical Minutes 2021 10 07 - adewg/ICAR GitHub Wiki

ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group – Technical Meeting 7 October 2021

  • In attendance: Andrew C, Craig V, Peter B, Thomas P
  • Other members attended, but the invite had two meeting links and we couldn't connect.


Items to discuss today are Coat Color and Health Status.

1. Alternative Type for Coat Color (#240)

A pull request (#252) has been submitted by Andreas S. Andrew has reviewed the request. Erwin S has approved the pull request. We agreed to Andrew's suggestion to change the description of the new field coatColorIdentifier to "Colour of the animal's coat using a national or breed-defined scheme and identifier combination".

2. HealthStatus for IcarAnimalCoreResource (#253)

The pull request has a health status type, a health status member of the ICAR core resource and an event for recording an observation of the health status. The only question was whether the enumeration represented the values we want for the health status values. "VeryIll" was suggested as a possible addition. Andrew to ask the wider ICAR group if there are any other suggestions for the enumeration.

3. Adding a reason for DoNotBreed event (#250)

Anton H created the issue suggesting adding a "reason" enum to the DoNotBreed resource. A remark could be used and in #233 we decided that we could add remark to the base class for events. We agreed with just adding a Remark unless there is a strong common list of values we should consider. We will see if anyone comes back with some further suggestions.

4. Type classification (#247)

We decided to leave discussion on this issue until the next meeting.

Next meeting scheduled for 21 October 2021 at 8:15am CET