Technical Minutes 2020 07 31 - adewg/ICAR GitHub Wiki

ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group – Technical meeting 31 July 2020

  • In attendance: Andrew C, Arjan L, Craig V, Erwin S, Marvin R, Sven S, Thomas P.
  • Apology noted from Andrew who had a family event come up on 17 July, which meant that the meeting could not be started.


  1. Timeline for ADE 1.1.
  2. Reproductive and Lactation Status
  3. Listing and filtering resources - query parameters
  4. Collections or Arrays for APIs
  5. Examples of updating URL schemes
  6. Gestations

1. Timeline for ADE 1.1 (#128)

Feedback from the comments on the issue indicated we should complete and promote ADE 1.1 as soon as possible.

  • There has been good progress with Health Treatments, Available Locations, and Conformation Scoring (incl. Condition Scores) being added.
  • Noted we wanted to complete the work in progress with Gestations API.

2. Collections and pagination (#111)

Discussed the combined reproductive and lactation status originally suggested by GEA.

  • Noted that this was a useful derived status to have for many animal recording and management purposes.
  • Reflected our earlier questions whether this should belong in a separate sub-resource that could be queried for an animal by URL, or just added to the animal core resource.
  • Discussed owner vs. locations (farms). Ownership can be complex with multiple owners.
  • Decided that it reproductive status and lactation status to be optional fields within the animal core object.
  • Marvin will take the lead in drawing together status values. Preference of the group was two fields rather than one if it made sense.

3. Listing and filtering resources - query parameters (#130)

Should we document common query parameters, especially for the Animals end point? It would be useful to specify if you wanted all animals or only live animals.

  • We should document how query parameters should be formulated generally.
  • Filtering on status of alive or not is particularly important and useful for animals.
  • Arjan undertook to start documenting this in the Wiki. We should probably update the URL scheme for the animals collection too.

4. Collections or Arrays for APIs (#129)

We returned to discuss the issue that was previously covered on 3 July 2020 . We understand the cases well:

  • There are cases where pagination is necessary, particularly dealing with large data sets that cannot be predictively filtered.
  • There are cases for data hubs where inspection to merge collections from different sources is inefficient - particularly where those hubs support other than ICAR specifications. The only obvious solution discussed was to support two API specifications (one with just an array, the other with a "collection" envelope and array). This is not desirable, but may be more obvious than having a parameter where the client asks for one or the other.

5. Examples of updating URL schemes (relates to #18)

It would be useful to document how to send updates with PUT/POST/DELETE. Not all implementations would support these.

  • Noted that the exampleUrlScheme.json file is getting quite large, though it is already categorised by topic.
  • Could split the file into separate files by topic - or wait and see if there is demand.
  • Could create a file and documentation for how to POST into a collection, to PUT (update) resources, etc.
  • Andrew undertook to look at this.

6. Gestations (#121)

Erwin presented an updated Gestations resource and API proposal.

  • The updated resource contains expected calving date and sire(s), but no other properties.
  • Erwin to create a pull request for this as the meeting was happy with this resource.

Next meeting scheduled for 14 August 2020 at 9am CET