Technical Minutes 2020 05 22 - adewg/ICAR GitHub Wiki

ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group – Technical meeting 8 May 2020

  • In attendance: Andrew C, Arjan L, Bert VL, Craig V, David B, Erwin S, John M, Kor O, Michael J, Mike L, Peter B, Thomas D, Thomas P.
  • (Not sure I captured all of these - Teams list acted up)


  1. Versions (version 1.0.1)
  2. Breeding Values message
  3. Specific questions
  4. Health treatments and diagnosis

1. Versions

After announcing version 1.0, corrections were needed:

  1. Fixes to the structure of collections to improve code generation.
  2. Implementing the change log discussed at the 8 May 2020 meeting
  3. Correcting the copyright notice in the LICENCE file
  • There was substantial discussion about versions, breaking changes, and particularly the use of Branches and Releases.
  • Confirmed that the published releases will sit in the ADE-1 branch, and will be identified with release tags - will be 1.0.0 and 1.0.1.

2. Breeding Values

  • Reviewed the Breeding Values proposal [#89] led by Erwin.
  • Discussed that there will be a need to identify both the breeding value and the evaluation. Scheme and ID pairs could be used for this.
  • Noted that a "Name" was proposed, and discussed whether this should be internationalised/translation, or whether there was a default name. Michael J volunteered to create an issue for discussion - #107.

3. Specific Questions

  • #108 - what is Sample Filling Indicator - 0, 1, 2. Andrew looked up the values from the old ADE XML. These should be added to the JSON Schema documentation.
  • #109 - we are increasingly using scheme + ID combinations (icarIdentifierType derivatives) as this is a good solution for many IDs and lists. How do we find what schemes are available/in-use? There is a file for locations and animal identifiers, but should there be a machine-readable way to find the schematas and schemes?
  • How should a single animal be retrieved? The specification anticipates that you can get a single resource (with an @id self-link), but there is not an example of this in the exampleUrlScheme.json. Noted that this should be addressed.

4. Animal Health Treatments and Diagnosis

  • Andrew explained the proposed resources from issue #96. These are iscDiagnosisEventResource, iscTreatmentEventResource, iscTreatmentProgrammeEventResource, and a type - iscMedicineReferenceType.
  • Noted that an intensity should be added to a diagnosis - light, moderate, severe.
  • Noted that a comments text field should be added to all these resources. This could be used to identify issues from treatment, such as "broken needle".
  • A success outcome could be added to a treatment or treatment programme (True/False - was it successful?)
  • Asked whether another diagnosis event should be added to a treatment or treatment programme resource, to capture the resulting diagnosis (did the animal get better or ?). This could be a reference to a separate diagnosis event (by ID and/or URL).

Next meeting scheduled for 5 June 2020 at 9am CET