DSCLI useful commands - ademozel/ds8000 GitHub Wiki

User ID creation:

mkuser -pw password -group admin/monitor user_name
chuser-pw new_password user_name
chuser -lock/unlock user_name
chuser -group new_group user_name

Array creation and modification:

lsarraysite -l (to see how array sites are configured)
lsddm -arsite s1 IBM.2107-75V7000 (to see what disks are present in array site s1)
mkarray -dev IBM.2107-75V7000 -raidtype 5/6/10 -arsite sX
lsddm -usage spare ( to see all spares which are available to be configured)

Creation and modification of RANK

mkrank -stgtype fb/ckd -array aX ( to create rank of type fb or ckd)
chrank -extpool pX (assigns a rank to an extent pool)
chrank -unassign rX ( unassigns a rank from an extent pool. Now the rank is free and can be assigned to any other extent pool)

Creation and modification of Extent Pool

mkextpool -stgtype fb/ckd -rankgrp 0/1 pool_name (rank group will be even or odd as per balancing)
chrank -extpool pX rX ( to assign rank to extpool. Without this we cant create luns)
chextpool -thershold 75 pX ( to assign threshold value to the ext pool)

Creation and modification of Volume Group

mkvolgrp -type scsimap256/scsimask volgrp_name (creates windows/unix vol group)
chvolgrp -action remove -volume 5000,4001 vX ( removes volumes from vol group)
rmvolgrp vX ( deletes vol group)
showvolgrp vX ( to see what volumes are allocated to vol group)

Creation and modification of Volumes/Luns

mkfbvol -cap 10 -name vol_name -volgrp vX -extpool pX 1000 (creates a fbvol of 10 GB capacity. The volume name is 1000. Choose the vol name as per the container)
chfbvol -cap 20 vol_id ( increases the vol capacity to 20 GB)

Host creation and Mapping

lshostconnect ( to see existing hosts)
lshostconnect -portgrp ID ( to see what hosts are connected to the portgrp)
lshostconnect -unknown ( to see if server team provided wwpns are free or not)
lsioport ( to list the IO ports)
lshosttype -type scsimap256/scsimask ( to see the type of hosts)
mkhostconnect -wwname/wwpn 10000000C9A7FF -hosttype win2003/win2008/pseries -portgrp X -ioport I0300,IO200 host_name (Explaination below) —> we can also include volgrp ID

" The above command creates a windows/aix host. The port group is a NUMBER. The ioport value needs to be calculated from lsioport

managehostconnect -volgrp vX portgrp_id ( maps the vol group to the portgrp ID. As the vol group has Luns, hosts in the portgrp can see the luns)
managehostconnect -volgrp vX none portgrp_id ( to remove hostmapping from volume group)
rmhostconnect 0003 ( to delete host connection. 0003 is host id. Can be obtained from lshostconnect)
showhostconnect host_id ( to see what luns are mapped to the host)

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