Home - ademeglio/the-frontline GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the The Frontline wiki!

This is one of the many projects that came about thanks to the Can't Stop Columbus movement. If you feel like contributing, please join us in the #prjct-the-fronline Slack channel.

This wiki is a work in progress as we suss things out. It is a way to have a central location for sharing our ideas and thoughts on this project.

The Problem

Communication across social workers and healthcare providers in real time is limited. They believe a slack channel and some type of organizing function for those on the front line to share updates on what they are seeing would be very valuable. Wouldn't be able to share sensitive information of course, but they thought even the sharing of resources and trends and building a community of encouragement would be appreciated. Potentially something for OSU College of Public Health to champion or other social workers maybe a part of this group?

Our Solution, The Frontline

Helping communication across social workers and healthcare providers in real time by allowing the frontline to share updates resources, and trends.


We are currently considering either a Slack Community pre-configured for healthcare workers and providers or a custom WordPress site tied also pre-configured with applications that can integrate with the WordPress site.

At a minimum, we should:

  1. be able to have instant communications between users.
  2. be easy to use. No one has time to learn a new application when they are on the front lines of an epidemic.
  3. be easy to manage. We are all volunteers here.

Collaborator Contributions

  1. You can find open issues under the "Projects" tab.
  2. Select the open issue, assign it to yourself and then drag the card over to the "In progress" column.
  3. Head over the Wiki and find the page related to the issue. If there isn't one, notify Anthony in the Slack channel.
  4. Click on "Edit" towards the top right but under the tabs.
  5. Make your changes * and remember to save the page when you are done.
  6. Pat yourself on the back, you earned it.
    * GitHub uses a markdown language. You can use the buttons on the top or use this informative page that describes all the wonderful things you can do with markdown.


User Types A listing of the various proposed users such as doctors, nurses, social workers, etc...
User Topics A listing of possible groups or topics for channels
Resources Various references that can be used for research