Getting Started - adeisbright/basic-react-routing GitHub Wiki

Basic React Routing

Routing with React is made possible by react-router-dom library. This repository contains basic example to help you get started with routing in react. The live version of the application runs on Google Cloud at [Bigjara]( "Bigjara Home Page")

Table of Contents

  1. About the Repository
  2. Installation
  3. React Router Basic Parts


You can bypass installing react-router-dom and react if you already have them installed on your system. Create a new branch and checkout into that branch to use this repository.

` git checkout -b branchName
  git remote add basic-react-routing 
  git pull basic-react-routing --allow-unrelated-histories 
  // You can then manually resolve any conflict
  $ git add --all 
  $ git commit -m "Add all changes from basic-react-routing" 
  $ npm start

If you do not have react-router-installed on your working directory , do the following :

` $ git clone 
  $ cd basic-react-routing 
  $ npm install 
  npm start
