Assignment 05 AND 06 - adefelice/DDA617_Languages_FALL2017 GitHub Wiki

Assignment Week 05 for (9/27) & Week 06 (10/4) – MULTIPLE DUE DATES

Read and Do: In "Make: Getting Started with Processing" by Casey Reas and Ben Fry (Maker Media, 2015):

  • Chapter 7: Media
  • Chapter 8: Motion

Download under readings on the Wiki. Due by the beginning of class on 10/4.

Midterm: Interactive Narrative – COMPLETED PROJECT DUE 10/18

In Processing, create an interactive artwork using text and/or image, inspired by one of the following narrative models:

  • Phrasal template (like Mad Libs)
  • Hyperlink (like a Wiki)
  • Branching Narrative (Like CYOA)
  • Or another nonlinear structure of your choice

Projects must include:

  • User prompts (with any instructions needed included as a part of the work)
  • Use of the random function, at least one time in your code
  • Attention to concept, aesthetics, and participant experience
  • As a comment at the top of your sketch, include your name and the title of the work


  • Limit the content! Limit the choices!
  • Prioritize interesting content and choices over volume!
  • Sketch out the structure before beginning to code.
  • Code for the basic interaction before adding content.
  • Start simple. Add more flair and choices as time allows for it.
  • Using program states will be helpful for this project. Refer back to p.87-88 in Learning Processing for multiple states example.

Concept sketch for Midterm project due by the beginning of our next class (10/4):

  • Be prepared to discuss the overall concept and plan for your midterm project.
  • Create a sketch by hand (not in Processing) of the interactive structure.

Work in progress due 10/11:

  • Create a sketch in Processing demonstrating the basic interactive structure and logic of your project. For example, if you are working with a CYOA model, I should see a sketch showing user input with branching conditionals, showing the basic user navigation of your project.
  • Content is not needed at this stage-- you may substitute simple shapes, text, or simply print to the console.
  • These sketches must work! Please push to GitHub with file name "midterm_WIP_yourName"


  • Completed midterm projects are due on 10/18.
  • Your first exhibition/ART review is also due on 10/18 (See Assignment 1 for details). Post the review as a new page on your Wiki.