Bitbucket: authentication - adeemacdowell/ GitHub Wiki

New Style with App Passwords

If you already cloned repository, use this git remote set-url origin https://USERNAME:[email protected]/OWNER/REPO.git

Old Style with SSH

cd ~/.ssh

Create the key


Check if exists

ls (should be 2 keys there)

Add the key to local ssh-agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/<private_key_file>

Add the public key to Bitbucket

Personal settings (copy paste) Note: for Knaps - copy the .pub file to a dir then send file to admin

Check if it worked

ssh -T [email protected]

Change the remote URL to your repository

cd project/path/here

git remote -v (should show the http urls)

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:tutorials/tutorials.git (get this from clone section of bitucket)

git remote -v (should show the ssh urls)