Alex Dotson - addo225/CS499Team1 GitHub Wiki

GCCR Total Count: 4,638

Assignment Word Counts

  • Resume: 500
  • Use Cases: 313
  • Project Plan Total: 886
    • Requirements Document: 743
    • Planning and Estimating: 88
    • Metrics: 62
  • Ethics Essay: 642
  • Architecture: 333

(Official Count 3/21 not including DevBlog: 2,721)

  • Coding: 319

  • Developer Blog Total WC: 1,598

January 24, 2019 - Initial meeting with Dr.Sabrina Brown

In this initial meeting we discussed some of the basic work flow for coroners. The creation of the current Death Scene Investigation (DSI) form was created by Dr.Brown and her team as a solution to the problem of consistent data collection from case to case. She mentioned that before the DSI form many of the coroners were keeping track of notes via sticky notes. The first bit of information of the DSI for is used for the Death Certificate and the rest is "Gossip" that may be used for further investigative needs. There exists a web interface for entering the DSI information that show the basic logic flow that the app will need to imitate. We will be given administrative access to the site to study its logic. Some additional feature she would like to have added include geo-tagging to location of the investigation to auto fill location data as well as allow several photos to be taken and attached to the form. The app will need to be capable of functioning offline due some many locations, in Jefferson county for example, will not have access to the internet or mobile data. The App will also be cross platform for iOS and Android. Dr.Brown will discuss the database requirements with Dr.Stromberg who will be managing the database and share that information next meeting if we are unable to attend her meeting with him. Our next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday January 30, 2019.
(WC: 252)

Began looking into cross platform app development SDKs and environments.
main candidates look to be:

  • Ionic Framework (html, js, ionic)
  • Sencha (html, js)
  • Xamarin (C#)

(WC: 28)

January 28, 2019 - First official team meeting

In this meeting we discussed what programming language to use as well what environments we would like to use. We determined that html and js seem to be the most universally used cross platform coding languages. Nejwa spoke of a conversation with a friend who suggested using reactjs however both Ionic and Sencha are built on top of reactjs. After this discussion we Collectively completed the Use Cases Assignment.
(WC: 77)

Our planned meeting with Dr.Brown on Wednesday January 30, 2019 was delayed due the University of Kentucky closing because of weather conditions (Severe risk of Frostbite). The meeting was rescheduled for the following day at 5:00 pm.
(WC: 37)

January 31, 2019 - Second Meeting with Dr.Brown

In this meeting Dr. Brown brought one of her colleagues and we discussed more on how the app should function as well as some of the theme requirements such as coloring and logos to be used. Dr.Brown also relayed information about the database from her conversation with Dr.Stromberg on what type of database to use. The primary options that Dr.Stromberg determined where either Redcap or SQL. Redcap has a more flexible database and is used elsewhere on campus however its setup is significantly more complex. This being the case we decided to go with SQL as we are all at least somewhat familiar with it. Our next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday February 5, 2019.
(WC: 123)

February 4, 2019 - Team Meeting

We began out meeting by discussing what we would like to ask Dr.Brown our next meeting. We decided that none of us understood what we needed to do to gain access to the existing website as her instructions felt incomplete. We also decided that we needed to go over the requirements of the project with her as some of the features had grown and/or changed by necessity. While talking we also stumbled upon an issue on login that would need Dr.Browns input. After our questions were settled, we started to work on the project plan assignment by dividing the section so as to have an equal amount of effort required from each of us.
(WC: 120)

February 5, 2019 - Meeting with Dr.Brown

To begin this meeting Dr.Brown showed us in more detail how to get access to the Web form. We will have to register as Fayette County coroners, as Fayette county does not currently use this system this will tell them than any of the data from Fayette county is only test data. To see much more of the Administration of the current database we would need to go to the sever's location. While this will give much more transparency on how the system works there is a risk of exposing us to sensitive data. When asked how she would like to login managed we decided that any account creation or password management is to happen on existing or future PC interface and not on the app, it will only act as a portal to the system. We then discussed the possibility of focusing on only one mobile OS as it appears that the differences between platforms is such that we would essentially need to write two apps concurrently. Dr.Brown agrees that focusing on one platform will result in a better app and will reach out to the pilot county who is providing phones their coroners to see what platform they will be using. Further confirmation of the app's requirements where held, and we decided that for permission levels we can drastically reduce the complexity by allowing coroners to manually give access to reports to others via an app interface. We decided that at the current stage, given her openness to messaging, we will change to a biweekly meeting for now and our next meeting is set for Tuesday February 19, 2019.
(WC: 278)

February 11, 2019 - Team Meeting

This meeting consisted primarily on working on the project plan assignment and discussing some of the points that some of us were uncertain of. We predicted that the requirements document would soon be completed once everyone was finished polishing their section and collectively completed the planning and estimates document. Given the due date change of the assignment, we decided to do further research for the metrics document and we will collectively complete it next team meeting.
(WC: 82)

February 26, 2019 - Meeting with Dr.Brown and Group Meeting

In this meeting we presented out project plan assignment to Dr.Brown to get her feedback and ensure that we are on the right track with the project. Dr.Brown was pleased with the contents of our project plan and confirmed that we are going in the right direction with the app. In this meeting we also attempted to finally get access to the KVDRS reporting system so that we could get an idea of how the online form is structured. Another thing we discussed this meeting was setting up an meeting with Arnie so that we could get the database side of things sorted out.

After our meeting with Dr.Brown, we had a team meeting and I explained how to connect our code to Github. I later created a video to help show how this was done: Video. After this Michael explained how he created and coded the log in page. following that we divided up the architecture assignment and planned a meeting for Sunday to finalize the assignment and create the presentation for it.
(WC: 184)

March 3, 2019 - Team Meeting

In this meeting we discussed our architecture assignment and began implementing the presentation slides and divided up who would be presenting what. We also signed up for a presentation practice at Presentation U as required by the class.
(WC: 44)

March 25, 2019 - Team Meeting

In this Meeting we discussed the coding assignment and divided up the work. We also divided up the remaining coding work. Micheal took finishing the login and the landing page, Danny took the Voice to text and GPS location, and Najwa and I took the Form pages. We then discussed what we will be discussing in our meeting with Arnie tomorrow.
(WC: 67)

March 26, 2019 - Meeting With Dr.Arnie Stromberg

In this meeting we were finally able to meet with Dr.Stromberg. Dr.Brown was unable to attend the meeting physically so she called in via Skype. While wait for Dr.Brown to call in we explained our project and how we would like to use the database with Dr.Stromberg and his colleague Jonathan Milby, who will actually be the person maintaining the database machine. Once we finished explaining our intentions with the database and it was approved, we discussed with Dr.Brown our progress. Another thing we had to discuss was that the KVDRS website was down thus preventing us from comparing our progress with the online form. Until the website is back up we will continue creating our app using the PDF form.
(WC: 129)

April 1, 2019 - Team Meeting

In this meeting we discussed what we had remaining to do prior to our final presentation. With the KVDRS website still down we decided to just focus on matching the PDF form. We began incorporating all of our files into one project. (WC: 48)

For the final weeks of the semester we met as a team often as needed and continued working on the app up until the final presentation and hand over the project to Dr.Brown. In our last meeting with Dr.Brown prior to the end of the semester, we had the opportunity to the person who was in charge of the Grants that Dr.Brown uses. We showed Dr.Brown and him a simulation of our app at that time and they were very pleased with how it looked. In discussing the app he had suggested an additional field in the Pills on Scene category and Dr. Brown liked the idea. As this was my category to implement, I told them that is was a simple addition and agreed to add the field.
(WC: 129)