File system white board notes - addissu/File-System-white-board-notes GitHub Wiki

#Addissu Tamru

##White board class notes

  • File system is used to control stored data on a computer.

  • The most important purpose of a file system is to manage user data.

  • C: \has access to everything or admin.

  • C: \users- when the user is logged in as a user but not admin.

  • Directory (folders) allows the user to group files into separate collections.

  • In Linux the admin is “root” where as in windows it is “administrator”.

  • Any user doesn’t have authorization to control everything as administrator does.

  • Backing up user data separately from system data is important, because if we lose user data we won’t be able to get it

  • back but system data has at least a copy of the system data.

  • \logs-this is a file where an event or when anything happens to the computer the files will be recorded. For Linux events will be stored in the folder \var log

  • \pref logs- this is the same as log

  • \program files-this folder serves as the default installation for 64-bit programs

  • \program files(x86)- this folder serves for 32-bit programs

  • \windows-this is the folder where system executable, utilities, drivers, libraries are stored and it’s not recommended to delete a file from this folder.

  • Windows support a user (32bit and 64bit) but Linux only support (64bit)

  • Libraries – are folders where files are stored

    • Contains application that talks to the operating system
    • DLL dynamic link library
    • Translators between applications and operating system
  • /bin- stands for binary- this folder contains files or programs that can be executed

  • OSX root is /

  • OSX user folder is /home/me


  • Linus root is /

  • /home/ This is all of the user data

  • /bin Stands for binary, which means something that has been compiled into machine language.

  • /var/log This is where an application saves log files