Documentation - addisonmartin/share-the-food GitHub Wiki

This section provides links to the various project planning tools. Additionally, an overview of the various automatic documentation tools and how to use them can be found below.

If you encounter any errors with this wiki, or the project in general, please submit a new issue!

Project Wiki

Main Wiki Page

Issue Board

Issues and their details and status can be tracked on the project board.

Entity Model Diagram

Current Diagram

Current ERD

Creating a new Diagram

An entity-model relationship diagram (erd) can be automatically generated from the database schema files, and output as a pdf.

Navigate to the project's root folder.

cd share-the-food

Generate the diagram.

bundle exec erd

By default it outputs to share-the-food/erd.pdf. Previous and current erds are stored in share-the-food/docs.

Annotate Schema Information into Source Files

Information about the current database schema can be automatically added as comments to the top of relevant source files. To add annotations for new files, or update existing ones, run the following commands.

Navigate to the project's root folder.

cd share-the-food

Install all dependencies.

bundle install

Run the annotate command.
