How to set up this script with Flexget - addictedtoscreens/torrentexpander GitHub Wiki
I haven't found a way for this script to communicate with Flexget through variables.
i decided to use a text file instead.
Here are what my Flexget settings look like :
expand_and_sort_avi: listdir:
- /your/transmission/completed/directory/ quality:
- <=bluray include: series_list.yml set: path: /'directory/where/your/series/are/stored/{{series_name}}/Season {{series_season}}/'
filename: '{{series_name}} S{{series_season|pad(2)}}E{{series_episode|pad(2)}}{{filename | pathext}}' exec: auto_escape: yes
fail_entries: yes
on_output: for_accepted: mkdir -p "{{path}}" && echo "{{location}}" > /path/to/your/third_party_log_files.log && /path/to/ && mv "$(cat "/path/to/your/third_party_log_files.log")" "{{path}}{{filename}}" && rm /path/to/your/third_party_log_files.log
And here are the settings that are required for my script to work with Flexget :