#6 🛑 JavaScript Standard Message Boxes | Console Object - adarshtiwari1998/JavaScript-Crash-Course-Project-v1 GitHub Wiki
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console.log("Hey this is lecture 6 of this tutorial");
let message = "Hey this is standard message box example!"; window.alert(message); /* First way to show alert on browsers */ alert(message); /* second way to show alert on browsers */
prompt("Enter your name"); /* yaha variable name value ko return karege alert box me jo hum input field me daalege prompt ke */ let name = prompt("Enter your name"); alert(name); /* concanetate method */ alert("Hello! " + name);
let choice = confirm("Are you sure want to do this?"); alert(choice);
let choice = confirm("Are you sure, want to go on Google"); /* we add if else condition here */ /* if user click on yes, so our condition is true, so the url are open on browsers */ if(choice==true) { /* add a link of google site here */ location.href = "https://www.google.com"; } /* if condition is false, means user click on cancel button, so this else condition are running */ else { alert("Better luck next time!"); }
/* ################ 4. console; object ############# */ /* console object ke paas bhut saare function hai like function 1. log //mostly used 2. warn //mostly used 3. table //mostly used 4. time 5. clear //mostly used 6. count 7. debug 8. exception 9. group function 10. group collapse function 11. group and function 12. info function //mostly used 13. profile function 14. trace function 15. error function */
/* 1. first object function "console" (mostly used for debugging) */ console.log("Hey this is console object function!"); /* 2. second object function "warn" */ console.warn("Hey this is warn object function!"); /* 3. third object function "error" */ console.error("Hey this is error object function!"); /* 4. fourth object function "info" */ console.info("Hey this is info object function!"); /* 5. fifth object function "clear" */ console.clear();
/* Example 1: agar hum 4 second ke liye object function print karwana chaha rhe hai uske baad clear ho jaaye too hum aisee karege: */ setTimeout(function(){ /* log object function for showing text */ console.log("clearing....."); /* clear object function call */ console.clear(); },3000);
/* 6. sixth object function "table" */ let student = { //object here name: "Adarsh", address: "B-139, pandav nagar", phone: "112331313", } console.log(student); console.log(student.name); /* you show the value of each object also in console */ console.log(student.phone); /* print the object result in a tabular form, table form in console, by using object function */ console.table(student);
Follow this link to learn more about console object function
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