Interesting Stuff - adarrivi/hidden-data GitHub Wiki


  • Only one database creation script for different databases Thanks to Liquibase's cross-database compatibility the same creation (and initial data) is used for integration tests and production environment.
  • Thanks to Spring aspectj annotations, the Data Monitor project can intercept any method annotated with @PerformanceLogged. All the performance information is stored in a performance hub component (see, ready to be accessed. The use of the compiler/weaver was necessary: adding aop.xml and the VM argument -javaagent:"<.m2 folder>/repository/org/springframework/spring-instrument/<spring.version>/spring-instrument-<spring.version>.jar
  • Although the application is multi-threaded, there is almost not synchronized content, semaphores or atomic operations. This was done minimizing the shared resources.
  • Using DbUnit and Liquibase together for the integration tests. See class
  • The Web application relies heavily on Apache Tile's composite view pattern.
  • Javascript and css files are included in tiles.xml instead of the jsp pages (see tiles.xml and layout.jsp to see how they are loaded), making the jsp files a bit lighter:


<put-list-attribute name="mainScripts">
  <add-attribute value="" />
  <add-attribute value="" />


<tilesx:useAttribute id="mainScripts" name="mainScripts" classname="java.util.List" />
<c:forEach items="${mainScripts}" var="src">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="${src}"></script>
  • Jquery, Jquery UI and Jqplot used for the frontend side.
  • All jsp pages PatternDistribution.jsp have its correspondent javascript file PatternDistribution.js and Java controller Having the same name for the three of them makes easier to find resources in the project.


  • Using, or better getting comfortable with, Uncle Bob's Clean Code principles. Specially with the proper naming (one of the hardest but the most satisfying :) ) and Single Responsibility Principle
  • Using Interfaces over concrete implementations, so it is easier to change the underlying technology (for example ActiveMq with RabbotMq. See data-queue for example
  • Experimenting with Not Nullable Object concept for the data-sql-db model to avoid null checks.
  • Archived 100% unit test coverage. Can you say you are working using TDD without having 100%?... To get this, some design principles must be kept in mind and another ones are a must (like don't instantiate objects in constructors, for example).
  • Added some utility classes to make it easier to archive 100% coverage in unit testing. See package
  • In unit testing I've been using the methodology given-when-then. This should improve the test readability and make it easier to modify when refactors happens.
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