Simulations - adaptive-learning/flocs GitHub Wiki

Practice session simulation

You can run simulation of a practice session by simulate_practice management command:

./ simulate_practice --behavior=genius --max-instances=7

It will output the simulation to the standard output (in human readable format) and store it in CSV for later processing in practice/simulated-data/practice-simulation-{timestamp}.csv.

You can specify more behaviors and use --plot option to plot output of simulation:

./ simulate_practice --behavior genius fixed-skill silly stupid --max-instances 14 --plot


  --behavior {silly,stupid,genius,fixed-skill,interactive}
                        Student behavior. You can add another behaviors in
  --max-instances MAX_INSTANCES
                        Limit on maximum number of task instances of the
                        simulated session.
  --max-time MAX_TIME   Limit on maximum solving time of the simulated
                        session in seconds.
  --plot                Show plot of the simulation after it's finished.