Mixin: respTypo - adaptdk/fe_tools GitHub Wiki

Responsive Typography - (respTypo)

Place the mixin in the root of the scss file, out of a selector in your base typography scss file


 * Place the mixin in the root of the scss file, out of a selector in your base typography scss file
 * @param {object} $typoSize - A SCSS map of the sizes

 * variable: $typoSize Params
 * @param {string} $selector - The Selector
 * @param {number} $fontSize - The fontsize in pixels for that breakpoint.
 * @param {number} [$breakpoint] - When the (min-width: breakpoint) should apply, in pixels - 1024px

@params (
  $typoSize: (
      $fontSize, // The first does not accept breakpoint, because it's not wrapped in a media query

      $fontSize, // Recursive
      // If a custom breakpoint is not entered, take the default breakpoint.

      ($fontSize, $breakpoint) // Recursive
      // If a custom breakpoint is entered, then your need to wrap $fontSize and $breakpoint in parenthesis ()

Default Params

// Breakpoint
$breakpoint: (410px, 700px, 1200px);

Params Example

$typoSize: (
  p: (1rem, 1.2rem),
  h1: (2.4rem, (2.6rem 500px),
  h2: (2.2rem, 2.1rem),


Example 1

Input (SCSS)

$typoSize: (
  h1: (2.8rem, 3rem),
  h2: (2.2rem, (2.4rem 900px), 2.6rem), // Custom Breakpoint for the second param
  h3: (1.9rem, 2.1rem),
  h4: (1.6rem, 1.8rem, (2.1rem 1260px)), // Added third property with custom breakpoint as well
  h5: (1.3rem, 1.6rem),
  h6: (1.1rem, 1.2rem, 1.5rem), // Added third property using default breakpoint param

@include respTypo($typoSize);

Output (CSS)

h1 {
  font-size: 2.8rem;

  @media (min-width: 410px) {
    font-size: 3rem;

h2 {
  font-size: 2.2rem;

  @media (min-width: 410px) {
    font-size: 2.4rem;

  @media (min-width: 900px) {
    font-size: 2.6rem;

// etc..