2. Installing Laravel & Nova - adaptdk/developer-meeting-nova GitHub Wiki

Select your favorite Vagrant Homestead / Local setup / Valet / LaraDock

Installing the Laravel framework

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel hustlingcars

Next change directory into your fresh new project

cd hustlingcars

Setup your .env file with correct DB settings. You can select a MySQL or a Postgres. We will not judge you in any case.

Homestead users

If you are using Homestead, you can just add public folder along with a domain the DB name to your Homestead and provision the box. Add needed part to your homestead.yml file and reload your box using:

vagrant reload --provision

Installing Nova

Add Nova through composer

Add the repositories.

composer config repositories.nova composer https://nova.laravel.com

Authenticate yourself against the Laravel Nova repository. Use the credentials you have used when you bought Laravel Nova at https://nova.laravel.com

composer config http-basic.nova.laravel.com "NOVA_USERNAME" "NOVA_PASSWORD"

Add auth.json to your .gitignore

This will create an auth.json file in the same folder as composer.json with your info. You should not commit it to your code repository.

Add it to your newly created Laravel composer.json file

composer require "laravel/nova:~2.0"

To finish the initial setup run the Nova Installer and migrate the DB.

php artisan nova:install

php artisan migrate

The last step is to add an user (if you are starting from scratch), so you will be able to login.

php artisan nova:user

Laravel & Nova running

You should now be able to see your Laravel Nova installation at :
