Developing Adapt It Mobile on Windows - adapt-it/adapt-it-mobile GitHub Wiki

Some basic steps for getting set up to develop Adapt It Mobile on a Windows machine. Note that the Android platform will be developed on Linux, just to keep things simpler...

  1. Download and install node.js from:

  2. Open a Command Line window and type in the following commands:

    npm install -gf cordova i18next i18next-conv

    npm update -g

  3. Download and install GitHub for Windows from:

  4. While on the web page, sign up for an account on GitHub and log in.

  5. Go to the github page for adapt-it-mobile: On that page, click on the Fork button.

  6. On the github web page for adapt-it-mobile, click on the Clone in Desktop button. Your browser should ask if you want to launch the GitHub app. Let it do so. Follow the prompts in the GitHub app to select a directory to store the copy of adapt-it-mobile.

  7. Download and install the Windows Phone SDKs:

    Windows Phone 8 (requires Windows 8):

    Windows Phone 10:

  8. [Optional] Download and install Inkscape from