DevLog - adamthill/Todo GitHub Wiki

##2016-03-10## Still not working...

More links:

Maybe we give up on this for now - make the list read-only and open another fragment to enter the details

##2016-03-03## Still have not resolved the issue. Jamie got closer, but the toasts are still coming on the initial view loading.

Two more random links:


##2016-02-04## Jamie: The middle answer on this one might help (suggested removing and re-adding a text watcher every time the view is recycled):

##2016-01-25## This seems like the best implementation of TextWatcher I've seen (mostly because it doesn't rely on knowing the EditText inputs like the [stackoverflow] ( [questions] ( I saw).

##2016-01-21## Gradle seems to be independent of our project files (the .gradle folder isn't in github). Not sure how to update gradle inside Android Studio.

We created a new menu item to populate our sample data. We started down the path of finding what we would need to keep track of EditText changes. Signs point to TextWatcher, but this looks overly complicated compared to what we are able to use for checkboxes.

I think our architecture may be at fault here. I will be searching for how others who use the ViewHolder handle updates.

##2015-11-02## We got the checkbox status to save to file by setting tags appropriately.
Next time, we need to do something (add another event listener) to get the edit text to save as well.

##2015-10-19## We accomplished reading the file inside DataProvider, and removed that code from MainActivity. We deleted the MockDataProvider. Wahoo! We were not able to save the updated data. We need to synch the list items inside the fragment with what has changed in the adapter.

##2015-10-12## I must have not committed my changes from 8/31 to github. Also, the project is a mess with hardcoded data.

Today, we made the DataProvider class a singleton (like MockDataProvider is). We also reimplemented writing from the DataProvider class using Gson to format the data to a string. We actually advanced a bit by using the data from the fragment (or possibly from the adapter). However, changing the data on the view is not currently writing updated data.

Goals for next time:

  1. Move the read functionality into DataProvider
  2. Write the updated data
  3. Kill MockDataProvider

Future Goals:

  1. Add and remove line items - not just hardcoded 3 items!

##2015-10-05## We forked the TodoClone repo and setup local copies using:

I made a change to and then everyone else synched using instructions from

We created local branches, and everything seemed to work.

For next time, everyone will fork the original Todo following the above instructions. We will continue working on the original Repo using the Atlassian Forking workflow (see link from last time).

Vim Cheatsheet ->

Git Cheatsheet ->

##2015-09-25## Excuse the brain dump, I will try to clean up later.

We have spent the last two or three sessions working with git, trying to get my changes out to the other forks.

Some time after 8/31, I had committed my updates to my branch on origin (I think) but not master.

We then had the usual problem of synchronizing those changes among the other branches.

Angie and Jamie got a Git book in kindle format.

During the last session, we reviewed the workflows here ->

And I think decided that Feature Branch may be the way to go.

There is some concern whether our existing origin git repo is "bare", so I made a bare clone (TodoClone) following instructions here ->

It appears that the clone copied over all the branches, but I think we need to remove them as well to follow the Feature Branch work flow.


##2015-08-31## Following instructions here to add GSON to project: (actually, just copied the compile line; didn't need to add repositories).

We got the read/write working from DataProvider class. We didn't need to add any extra code - GSON was able to map our class to JSON as is.

Next up will be interfacing with the view to grab real data.


Created DataProvider and List class to facilitate saving/reading files. Looking into stringifying and parsing JSON. Potential resource to check out: Use Gson to work with JSON in your Android apps

Changes pushed to AdamBranch on GitHub.


We wrote a simple JSON object to file in the group session, but we couldn't find it in the Android File Explorer. After most people left, I read the file and displayed the content as a Toast. Our file save had worked. Later, I searched the internet for an answer to why we couldn't see the file. As it turned out, Android File Explorer does not have root access to the device so it cannot see the files.


###Next feature - Persisting Data###

  1. Save to file as JSON
  • UI needs a save button
  • UI needs a way to add new list items
  1. Read from file

Filename: ‘TodoLists.js'

###JSON Structure### ####List object#### { title: ‘list’, items: [item objects] }, …] } ####Item object#### { itemText: ‘item1’, isDone: false }


Learned about merge conflicts with git. Now that we have all forked the repo, if we develop in our own branches, it will make rebasing the repo easier. All new features will be created in a local branch. Android Studio can create and switch branches under VCS -> Git -> Branches.

Started (loosely) following this tutorial to create a replacement for using simple_list_item_1. The goal is to get a list item preceded by checkbox.

Next time: Need to finish up the code to use our new stuff.


Our goal is to get a custom list view working with hard-coded data. The data right now consists of a list item and a checkbox. We created a singleton MockDataProvider to replace the ArrayList hardcoded in the main activity. This might be a useful class later for testing, or it might just be throw away.

Next time: Start working on the presentation

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