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Hashing Primary clustering, secondary clustering, non-clustering
Characteristics of a good hash function
Linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing, separate chaining
Priority Queues Algorithms for implementing Heap as an array
Leftist heap
Skew heap
Binomial queue
Sorting Stability, adaptive, complexity
Bubble, insertion, selection, shell
Quicksort, mergesort, heap sort
Effect of data: few unique, almost in order
Bucket sort
TImsort: merge low/high, natural mergesort, insertion sort to increase minlength, galloping, merging similar sized adjacent runs
Union Find Union by size, union by weight
Path compression
Graphs Directed, undirected, bipartite, weighted, connected/unconnected
Depth first traversal, breadth first traversal, visited flag
Adjacency matrix, adjacency list