Error Handling Documentation - adamstallard/vows GitHub Wiki

###Error Handling

Vows detects errors in both topics and vows and keeps track of "errored" tests in the test results.

If you would like errors in a topic to be passed to a vow rather than processed as a test result, give the vow two (or more) parameters--the first will receive an error (or null if there is no error); the second (or additional) will receive its value from the topic.

  topic: function () {
    fs.stat('~/FILE', this.callback);
  'can be accessed': function (err, stat) {
    assert.isNull   (err);        // We have no error
    assert.isObject (stat);       // We have a stat object

The exception to this is if this.callback.multi is used.


this.callback assumes two arguments: the first is an error (or null if there is no error), and the second is a value which will be passed on to vows and sub-topics.

If you will be giving this.callback only one value argument and no error argument, set the option this.callback.errors = false before using this.callback.

If you will be giving this.callback multiple value arguments, but still want Vows to handle errors for you, set this.callback.multi = true. If your multiple-argument-callback has an initial error argument, also set this.callback.errors = true. Don't set this.callback.multi = true if you want to handle your own errors.

See also Thoughts on Error Handling.