Getting Started - adampresley/sublime-view-in-browser GitHub Wiki

This section of the wiki will guide you through installation and configuration of the plugin, your favorite browsers, and how to view pages using a local server if you so desire.


The View In Browser plugin is available to install through the excellent Package Control plugin for Sublime Text. If you do not already have this plugin it is highly recommended that you do so. Installation instructions are simple. Go ahead... I'll wait.

Once you have that installed you can install the View In Browser plugin easily. To begin press the keys CTRL + SHIFT + P (Windows, Linux), or CMD + SHIFT + P (OS X). This will display the command palette. When you type in the command palette commands will start to be filtered. Type in the word install and the command palette should filter down to the command Package Control: Install Package. Select this command by either clicking on it, or using your cursor keys to highlight it and pressing Enter.

After choosing this command a list of possible plugins will be presented to you. Once again you can start typing view in browser and the list will filter as you type. Select the plugin by clicking on it or using your cursor keys to highlight it and pressing Enter.

Your First Run

After installation I'm sure you wish to jump right in. Go ahead and open up your latest dazzling HTML creation. Once you've got that open press the keys CTRL + ALT + V. After pressing these keys, assuming you have it installed, Firefox should fire up with your page displayed. Congratulations!

Opening Other Browsers

With View In Browser there are other keys bound to open other supported browsers. By default the keys are mapped like so:

  • Firefox - CTRL + ALT + F
  • Chrome - CTRL + ALT + C
  • Internet Explorer - CTRL + ALT + I
  • Safari - CTRL + ALT + S
   { "keys": [ "ctrl+alt+v" ], "command": "view_in_browser" },
   { "keys": [ "ctrl+alt+f" ], "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "firefox" } },
   { "keys": [ "ctrl+alt+c" ], "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "chrome" } },
   { "keys": [ "ctrl+alt+i" ], "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "iexplore" } },
   { "keys": [ "ctrl+alt+s" ], "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "safari" } }

Next: Configuring Browsers