Url - adampatterson/Dingo-Framework GitHub Wiki


The URL library is designed to make it easier for you to manage URLs for your application. To load the URL library manually you may do this:



Returns the full URL to a page in your application. It automatically adjusts if you are using Fancy URLs. If you wanted the URL of a page mycontroller/myfunc then you would do this:

// EX: http://www.evanbot.com/index.php/mycontroller/myfunc
$url = url::page('mycontroller/myfunc');


Returns the base URL to your application.

// EX: http://www.evanbot.com/
$application_base = url::base();

If you set the optional first argument to TRUE then it will append index.php/ onto the URL if you are not using Fancy URLs.

// EX: http://www.evanbot.com/index.php/
$application_base = url::base(TRUE);


Redirects the user's browser to another page in your application. To redirect the user to mycontroller/myfunc then you would do this:
