NetworkReceiver - adammhaile/ae45LhX89i GitHub Wiki

class bibliopixel.drivers.network_receiver.NetworkReceiver

NetworkReceiver allows receiving LED data as TCP packets over the network from [DriverNetwork]] or any other sender that implements the same [protocol. Usage is as follows:
from bibliopixel.drivers.network_receiver import NetworkReceiver
from bibliopixel.drivers.LPD8806 import *
from bibliopixel.led import LEDStrip

#must init with same number of pixels as sender
driver = DriverLPD8806(100)
led = LEDStrip(driver)

receiver = NetworkReceiver(led)
receiver.start() #returns immediately, must loop or do other work
from import DriverNetwork
from bibliopixel.led import LEDStrip

#must init with same number of pixels as receiver
driver = DriverNetwork(100, host = "")
led = LEDStrip(driver)

#run animations here

__init__(led, port = 3142, interface = '')

  • led - Instance of LEDStrip or LEDMatrix to send the received LED data to.
  • port - Port number to use. Only need to change if port is already in use or if using multiple receivers.
  • interface - Network interface for the receiver to listen on. By default all available interfaces are used. Set this to 'localhost' to only accept connections from the current system.

start(join = False)

  • join - True causes this method to block until the receiver thread ends.

Starts the receiver thread and returns unless join == True.


Stops the receiver thread and closes all connections.