DriverVisualizer - adammhaile/ae45LhX89i GitHub Wiki

class bibliopixel.drivers.visualizer.DriverVisualizer

DriverVisualizer is provided mainly for test and development purposes and allows the display of any animations via a simple GUI instead of on actual hardware. The UI is written with Tkinter and will run on any window environment supported by python and Tkinter.

__init__(num = 0, width = 0, height = 0, pixelSize = 15, port = 1618, stayTop = False)

  • num - Number of pixels to be to display. Use for displaying a strip of pixels.
  • width - Width of matrix to display. Must use with height.
  • height - Height of matrix to display. Must use with width.
  • pixelSize - Width and height to render each pixel.
  • port - TCP port for the Visualizer UI to listen on. Only change if port already in use or using multiple visualizers.
  • stayTop - If set to True, the Visualizer UI will always stay on top of all other windows until closed.

When creating the visualizer you can use either the num param or width and height. If just num is provided, then the visualizer is setup as a strip, like this:


If the rendered visualizer width is wider than 512 screen pixels, it will automatically wrap around to a new row with a small amount of padding between rows, like this:


If width and height are used, the visualizer will be configured as a matrix instead, with no padding between rows, like this:
