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Prolog Implementation in OCaml

An example of a Prolog program

mother_child(trude, sally).

father_child(tom, sally).
father_child(tom, erica).
father_child(mike, tom).

sibling(X, Y)      :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y).

parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).
parent_child(X, Y) :- mother_child(X, Y).

?- sibling(sally, erica).


There are 3 types of declarations:

Declaration Pseudo-code
Rules Head :- Body.
Facts Head.
Query ?- Head.

The fact Head. is syntactic sugar for the rule Head :- true.


In the above example, this line:

parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).

can be modeled as:

Clause (
    TermExp (
            VarExp "X",
            VarExp "Y"
    TermExp (
            VarExp "X",
            VarExp "Y"

Similarly, this line:

mother_child(trude, sally).

can be modeled as:

Clause (
    TermExp (
            TermExp ("trude", []),
            TermExp ("sally", [])
    ConstExp (BoolConst true)

A more complicated line like:

sibling(X, Y) :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y).

would be modeled as:

    TermExp (
            VarExp "X",
            VarExp "Y"
    ConjunctionExp (
        TermExp (
                VarExp "Z",
                VarExp "X"
        TermExp (
                VarExp "Z",
                VarExp "Y"