Get just one random permutation - adamjgrant/permutations GitHub Wiki

Often, you'll only need one permutation from the whole set, and randomly selected.

This is also useful if you have a permutation whose full set is so large, it would be computationally expensive or even impossible to run the full set.

An easy example is a simple hex color generator:

const data = {
  "main": [{
    "branch": "hex", "then": {
      "branch": "hex", "then": {
        "branch": "hex", "then": {
          "branch": "hex", "then": {
            "branch": "hex", "then": {
              "branch": "hex"
  "hex": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]

Just call .one on the permutation tree instance to get a single random permutation.

const tree = new Permute(data, true);
const permutations =;

