[Draft] V2 - adamjgrant/permutations GitHub Wiki

New Features for a v2 draft of permutations

Allow empty strings

  "main": [
    "Good morning! ", "", [
      "How are you?"
Good morning! How are you?
How are you?


Rotate automatically calculates all the unordered permutations of a one-level array and translates this into a new array.

So this...

  "main": [
    { "rotate": [ "foo", "bar" ] }, [
      "fizz", "buzz"

...is the equivalent of

  "main": [
    "foobar", "barfoo", [
      "fizz", "buzz"
  "main": [
    "Example DNA Sequence ", [
      { "rotate": ["A", "T"] }, [
        { "rotate": ["G", "C"] }

Specify a custom join string, such as a space.

  "main": [
    "All personnel ", {
      "rotate": ["must have a parents signature", "ages 18 and younger"], "join": " "
All personnel ages 18 and younger must have a parents signature
All personnel must have a parents signature ages 18 and younger

One random is its own method

Instead of new Tree(data, true) where the second parameter is "one_random" the one_random selection is based on a call, not the instantiation.

const tree = new Tree(data);
tree.permutations; // Return all permutations
tree.one;          // Return one random permutation

Unwrapped branches

Right now, branches just plop into place as an independent array, preventing you from doing some things easily. If I want to use either branch A or B, but then tack on C at the end, I have to do this.

  "main": [
    { "branch": "A", "then": { "branch": "C" } }, 
    { "branch": "B", "then": { "branch": "C" } }

Unwrapping the branch adds the branch's array with just its members.

  "main": [
    { "branch": "A" }
  "A": ["A", "B"]

is the equivalent of

  "main": [
    ["A", "B"]


  "main": [
    { "*branch": "A" }
  "A": ["A", "B"]

is the equivalent of

  "main": ["A", "B"]

Now to return to the original example

  "main": [
    { "branch": "A", "then": { "branch": "C" } }, 
    { "branch": "B", "then": { "branch": "C" } }

This could be written instead as

  "main": [
    { "*branch": "A" }, { "*branch": "B" }, { "branch": "C" }

Sub branch definitions

  "main": [
    ["A", { "branch": "letters.B" }, { "branch": "letters.C" } ]
  "letters": {
    "B": ["b"],
    "C": ["c"]

Functional permutations

  • It's not clear what "string" would be here in more complex examples.
    { "fn": "(string) => string.toLowerCase()" },
    { "fn": "(string) => string.toUpperCase()" }
["foo", "FOO"]


Separate JSON object that can optionally be passed in to set configuration values.

const permutation_obj = { main: ["a", ["b", "c"]] },
      config          = {

      Permute = require("./permute"),
      tree = new Permute(permutation_object, config);


Specify a delimiter between each concatenation. Default is the empty string.

const permutation_obj = { main: ["a", ["b", "c"]] },
      config          = {
        delimiter: " AND "

      Permute = require("./permute"),
      tree = new Permute(permutation_object, config);
a AND b
a AND c