NSFW Setup - adamint/Ardent GitHub Wiki

Setup is easy! Ardent provides a few simple subcommands that you can do to make your life much easier.


Let's say you want to set your NSFW channel to a channel in your server called #nsfw, but not allow any other channels to receive NSFW commands. By default, all channels are disabled for NSFW, so type /nsfw addchannel in the #nsfw channel to add the channel to the allowed list.

If you want to remove a channel from the NSFW list, type /nsfw removechannel in that channel.

If you want to require users to have a role called NSFW before they're allowed to send NSFW commands, you must first create a role in your server called NSFW. Then, type /nsfw neednsfwrole true. This setting can be reversed by doing /nsfw neednsfwrole false.

Toggle whether you can use NSFW commands in all channels (globally) using /nsfw alloweverywhere true or /nsfw alloweverywhere false.