Reference - adamfoneil/Dapper.QX GitHub Wiki


Dapper.QX defines several attributes you can apply to properties of your query classes to control what criteria is injected at runtime.

  • Case acts like a switch statement for including one of several criteria options in a query.
  • Join lets you include optional join clauses in a query. Requires a {join} token in the query to indicate where optional joins are inserted.
  • Offset makes your query results pageable. Requires an {offset} token, and your query must have an ORDER BY clause. See Paginated Queries
  • OrderBy enables strong-typed order by clauses. Requires an {orderBy} token. See Dynamic Sorting
  • Parameter is used to set a parameter without injecting any corresponding SQL. Used in some less common cases.
  • Phrase is used to generate full text queries against a set of columns.
  • Where injects the specified criteria into a query when the corresponding property is set. Use with nullable properties only.
  • Top inserts a dynamic TOP clause in your query. Example. Requires a {top} token in your SQL.

Dapper.QX.PageableQuery PageableQuery.cs






  • string ResolveSql ([ int newPageSize ])
  • string ResolveSql (DynamicParameters queryParams, [ Action setParams ], [ int newPageSize ])
  • Task<IEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsync (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ], [ int newPageSize ])
  • Task<TResult> ExecuteSingleAsync (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • Task<TResult> ExecuteSingleOrDefaultAsync (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • IEnumerable<dynamic> TestExecuteHelper (IDbConnection connection)
  • Task<IEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsync (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ], [ int newPageSize ])
  • Task<TResult> ExecuteSingleAsync (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • Task<TResult> ExecuteSingleOrDefaultAsync (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • IEnumerable<TResult> Execute (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ], [ int newPageSize ])
  • TResult ExecuteSingle (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • TResult ExecuteSingleOrDefault (Func getConnection, [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • IEnumerable<TResult> Execute (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ], [ int newPageSize ])
  • TResult ExecuteSingle (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
  • TResult ExecuteSingleOrDefault (IDbConnection connection, [ IDbTransaction transaction ], [ int? commandTimeout ], [ CommandType? commandType ], [ List traces ], [ Action setParams ])
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