Frequently asked questions - adamcin/graniteit-maven-plugin GitHub Wiki

Q. How does it work?

A. It provides a packaging type "content-package-it", which is an enhanced version of the "content-package" lifecycle defined by the content-package-maven-plugin. Here is the implementation of the content-package-it lifecycle mapping.

Q. I'm just a developer trying to finish my user stories before I go on PTO, but our Lead Developer/Architect/Contractor just introduced these "integration tests" and now my builds take over 10 minutes, if they even finish at all! Is there an easy way to disable them without changing the pom.xml file?

A. Your trip to Vegas shouldn't be threatened by this plugin. There are two ways to disable the plugin execution completely.

  1. Set -DskipITs=true or -DskipTests=true when you run maven. The plugin goals will still run during the build, but they will all respect those flags (as will the maven-failsafe-plugin) and do nothing but print some log statements indicating that they are skipping their normal execution.
  2. Set -Dgraniteit.lifecycle.disabled=true, which will revert back to the original "content-package" lifecycle, so that the graniteit-maven-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin goals will not be executed by default. However, this does not deactivate any plugin executions which are explicitly defined in the project pom.