Program Overview - adam-nnl/Erudite GitHub Wiki

Annotated overview of the main Erudite interface

Erduite Main GUI

1- File Settings section Use the drop down to quickly open ANNeML .xml files previously opened. Click the 'Browse...' button to bring up a file dialog to browse for an ANNeML .xml file.

2- Information Console Top section is a tree view of the currently opened ANNeML XML file. Bottom section is a textual output console that displays information when opening, training, saving or testing an ANNeML neural network.

3- Input Settings Section Enabled after a ANNeML neural network file is open/loaded and training is not enabled. Shows the number of expected data inputs. The 'Input Data' button brings up a dialog to enter n number of data sets. The 'Import Batch' button brings up a a file dialog for loading pre-made data sets as comma separated value(.csv) files. The table is updated to show the current loaded data set.

4- Training Settings Section Enabled after a valid ANNeML neural network file is open/loaded by clicking on the 'Enable Training' check box. The 'Enter Training Set' button brings up a dialog to manually enter a training set of n number of training examples. The 'Import Training Set' brings up a file dialog to load a pre-made training set in comma separated value(.csv) format. There are also 'Train Until' threshold settings and other options.

5- Run neural net function button Runs the currently loaded neural network with the current input settings.

6- Train neural net function button Begins training the currently loaded neural network based on the training settings and options.

7- Save neural net function button Saves a trained neural network back to ANNeML XML file.