Git and Github management - adam-kostuch/terminal-backend GitHub Wiki

In this page you'll find out how to add code to github / name branches / manage pull request. Just overall git management tutorial.

  1. First of all naming branches. Check in which project you're working and add backend/... or frontend/... profix. We aren't working with camel case, but with phrases separated with dashes (-). If you want to commit main page code on frontend, it'll look like this: frontend/main-page and so on. Don't forget to work on correct branches!
  2. Next committing changes. After you end writting your code it's a good habit to run prettier and eslint fixing commands just in case if something broke with husky. After that you're ready to commit code (BE SURE YOU'RE ON CORRECT BRANCH). Follow the steps:
git add . # to add changes to the staging area
git commit -m "some sample comment" # to create snapshot in local project
git push # push everything to remote repository. add -f if needed

or alernativly:

git commit -am "some sample comment" # combination of git add and git commit. might not work sometimes
git push # push everything to remote repository. add -f if needed
  1. After all of this, open Pull Request (PR). To well prepare PR you have to:
  • Assange yourself,
  • Submit person to Review your work,
  • Link accurate project
  • And last, but not least link correct issue you're working on.
  1. How to link issue to PR. In the comment section of the PR write something like this Closes #4. This syntax means that you're closing issue number 4.
  2. PR are meant to be closed as soon as possible, but sometimes you have to leave it on it's own for a minute. Then you have to edit the name of the PR with the preffix: Draft or WIP (Work In Progress)