Linux File Permissions - adaley0518/Tech_Journal GitHub Wiki
Linux PuTTY file permissions
Add Users:
- root directory (sudo -i if not in root directory)
- useradd (input name)
- passwd (input name)
- ls /home (check if users exist)
Make Directory:
- mkdir /[directory name]
- ls -l / (will check if the directory was created)
- rmdir /[directory name] (will remove directory)
Make file:
- touch [filename.txt] (create file)
- rm [filename] (remove file)
New Groups/Add Members:
- root directory
- groupadd (input group name)
- usermod -aG [groupname] (user to add to group)
Change rwx Directory and File permissions:
- root Directory
- chmod [who][+,-,=][permission] /directory/filename
- [who] can be g == group, u == user, o == other/global, a == all
- [add, remove, same (g=u)]
- [permission] can be r == read, w == write/modify, x = excute
- Ex: chmod o-r /management/bobreview.txt
- ls -ld /directory ( shows the permissions to the file)
- chgrp name_of_group /directory
- will change the group name of the directory
- chown [input user name] /directory/filename (this will change the owner of a file/ will have to change group name as well ^)