Lab00: Environment Configuration - adaley0518/Tech_Journal GitHub Wiki
Lab00 01/13/2020: Routing and Windows, this lab is using information for my past class to build a simple network to be used in the future of the course. My teacher has provided the environments for us through vcenter. The environments consist of a firewall with a pfsense virtual router(fw01), windows 10 (wks01), server core (ad01), and Server 2019 with GUI (mgmt01).
Start with fw01 Configuration:
- before starting the environment make sure Network Adapter 1 is WAN network and Network Adapter 2 is LAN network
- have your own IP, in this case, mine is
- Now for the OS Configuration:
- click 1 to assign interfaces to make em0 the WAN network and em1 the LAN network
- click 2 to set the network interfaces, press 1 or 2 depending on the WAN or LAN
- WAN interface will be your assigned IP
- LAN interface will be set to
- Your WAN upstream gateway address is
- Not using IPv6 on WAN or LAN
- Not using a firewall for DHCP on the LAN
- Do not revert http
- when done WAN should read: em0 --> 'assigned IP/24'
- when done LAN should read: em1 --> ''
- next enter the shell (8) and ping (should be successful)
Next, we will be configuring the Web Interface from wks01:
- make sure Network Adapter is changed to LAN before starting the environment
- Begin normal configuration steps:
- manage an account, add password to administrator
- may need to create a new local administrative user
- after accounts are done, set up static IP
- go to ethernet propeties
- go to IPv4
- click use the following IP address
- input IP address:
- netmask:
- gateway:
- DNS: (your fw01 LAN interface)
- go to system settings, change hostname to wks01-yourname
- Now we will set up the firewall
- go to and login using admin/pfsense
- make the following changes in the wizard
- hostname: fw01-yourfistname
- domain: yourfirstname.local
- Primary DNS Server:
- Uncheck block RFC1918 Private Networks (step 4)
- change the password if you like, don't forget it
- wks01 should be able to ping your LAN's default gateway and ping
Next, is ad01 Server Core configuration:
- change Network Adapter 1 to LAN
- change and record the new administrator password
- type 'sconfig' to configure settings:
- click 8 for network settings
- click 1 for the network adapter
- click s for static
- IP:
- Netmask:
- Gateway:
- Preferred DNS:
- click 2 for computer name
- change to ad01-yourname (wait to restart)
- click 5 to make windows update settings to Manual
- Now reboot
- Now, we are going to install the Active Directory
- you are going to want to type cd.. until you are out of all the directories
- now type in the command: 'cd \Windows\System32\en-US'
- then type 'powershell'
- use the command 'Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
- Now, install the forest
- command: Install-ADDSForest -DomainName yourfirstname.local
- After installation, you should be able to see your the administrative user
- type whoami --> yourfirstname\administrator (this will be important to remember for setting up the rest of the network
Next, we are going to join wks01 to the domain we just created
- your gonna go to system settings again, change settings for the computer name
- then click change but click domain and enter 'yourfirstname.local'
- hit okay, if it asks for administrative user name and password, use the following (this is were the domain was created)
- yourfirstname\administrator
- and your ad01 password
Next, we will configure mgmt01
- make sure Network Adapter is set to LAN
- once again use scongfig from the command prompt to update the settings as follows
- IP address:
- Netmask:
- gateway:
- DNS should be set to the IP of ad01(
- hostname: mgmt01-firstname
- join to yourname.local
- after restarting, login to the domain not the local host
- using the server manager on mgmt01, install the following features (uncheck anything the is not on this list)
- Remote Server Administration Tools
- Role Administration Tools
- AD DS and AD LDS Tools
- DHCP Server Tools
- DNS Server Tools
- File Service Tools
- Role Administration Tools
- Remote Server Administration Tools
- Now add ad01 as a new server
Next, we are gonna add Domain Users
- add a normal user (uncheck change password)
- left click on the your domain and input information yourfirst.lastname
- add a named domain admin (uncheck change password)
- left click on the domain and input information yourfirst.lastname-adm (may need to Domain Admin group)
Finally, create DNS records for our zones
- Create a Reverse Lookup Zone for the 10.0.5 netowrk
- Create an A record and PTR for fw01-yourname
- just check off the box to create PTR record
- apply and then ok
- manually add the PTR records for ad01 and mgmt01
- now logout and then re-login as [email protected]