Lab Configuration 5 - adaley0518/Tech_Journal GitHub Wiki
Steps for the Lab Configuration
OU Structure Creation
- Server Manager --> Local Server
- 'tools'
- right-click to 'active directory users and computers'
- once window opens go to 'amber.local'
- right-click 'new' --> 'Organizational Unit'
- called: SYS255,
- create Organization Units for Accounts, Computers and Groups under SYS255
- called: SYS255,
- under the amber.local got to the Group 'SYS255'
- go to 'Accounts'
- create the users alice, bob and charlie (should see all three under accounts once complete)
- drag WKS01 from the amber.local\computers OU to the SYS255\computers OU
- within SYS255\Groups OU add a global security group called custom-desktop with users alice and bob as members
- go to 'new object' --> 'group'
- group name & group name (pre-windows): custom-desktop
- group scope: global
- group type: security
- press 'ok'
- then go to the properties of the custom-desktop group and add 'alice' and 'bob' to the members tab, press apply
Group Policy - User
- right click 'tools' --> 'group policy management'
- open 'forest' --> 'domains' --> 'amber.local' --> SYS255
Creating a User Policy
- right-click SYS255 --> create a GPO in this domain
- step 1: add custom-desktop group to the Security Filter
- under Scope tab
- Display links in this location: amber.local
- location: SYS255
- Security Filtering: add 'custom-desktop (AMBER\custom-desktop)
- under Scope tab
- Step 2: Remove Authenticated User
- press 'ok'
- Step 3: Add domain computers
- Security Filtering: add --> 'Domain Computers (AMBER\Domain Computers)
- Step 4: go to Delegation tab --> Advanced (set Apply Group Policy to 'Deny' not 'allow' & Apply)
- step 1: add custom-desktop group to the Security Filter
- right-click SYS255 --> create a GPO in this domain
Wallpaper Policy