Lab Configuration 4 - adaley0518/Tech_Journal GitHub Wiki
Steps for Lab Configuration
might have to install DHCP servers. yum install dhcp?
steps to disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration
3.Install PuTTY * run 'putty-64bit-0.72-installer.msi * shortcut to the .exe of putty to open
Connect via PuTTY
- under Host Name(or IP Address): dhcp01-amber
- Port: 22
- connection type: SSH
- saved Sessions: dhcp01-amber
- save then click on dhcp01-amber and open
- login as: amber & enter password
- 'hostname' --> dhcp01-amber
- 'whoami' --> amber
- 'sudo yum install dhcp' ( if i see table with dependencies resolved, worked)
Configuring DHCP Services
- here are the steps: Configure DHCP Services with PuTTY
- save file
Starting DHCP Servies
- 'systemct1 start dhcpd'
- 'systemct1 status dhcpd' (should be active and running in green)
Enabling the Service to Start at Boot
- 'systemct1 enable dhcpd' ( should say: created symlink from etc)
Configuring the Firewall to Allow Incoming DHCP Requests
- 'firewall-cmd --list-all' (should be public active either way continue so it saves when rebooted)
- 'firewall-cmd --add-service=dhcp --permanent'
- 'firewall-cmd --reload'
- 'firewall-cmd --list-all' (should show services: ssh dhcpv6-client dhcp)
- type exit till out of PuTTY
Windows 10 DHCP Client
- on wks01 change the IPv4 networking to 'Obtain an IP address automatically' & 'Obtain DNS server address automatically', press okay
CHECK in wks01
- First:
- cmd
- ipconfig /all
- should see DHCP Server as
- IP should be in range set earlier ''
- domain name: amber.local
- netmask:
- gateway:
- DNS:
- go back to dhcp01 for PuTTY
- 'sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep wks01-amber (wks01-amber may vary if it doesn't work)
- should be about 5 dhcp01-amber logs
- 'sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep wks01-amber (wks01-amber may vary if it doesn't work)
- (use wireshark)go to wks01 (as admin/ amber.daley-adm) powershell
- 'ipconfig /release'
- 'ipconfig /renew' (might freeze so use ctrl c)
- 'ipconfig /all' (should see the same info as in the cmd)
- after check wireshark to see a packet for 'release' 'discover' 'offer' 'request' and 'ACK'
- First: