Lab 1: Network Management S20 - adaley0518/Tech_Journal GitHub Wiki
Lab 1: Network Management, this lab involves configuring SNMP services on fw01, web01, and ad01. I'm going to use nmon01 to configure a network monitoring system. This is where I will query the system for SNMP properties.
Configure web01:
- make sure network adapter is connected to LAN
- network
- IP:
- Hostname: web01-amber
- add a named sudo user called yourname
- check DNS entries for ad01, web01, and fw01
Configure fw01's SNMP Service:
- enable SNMP services
- go to '' for pfsense
- go to services tab and click 'SNMP'
- enable the SNMP Daemon and its control
- port: 161
- system location: lakeside
- System Contact: Amber Daley
- Read Community String: SYS265
- Bind interfaces: LAN *save and restart the SNMP service
Configure nmon01:
- set network to LAN
- networking
- IP: on LAN
- Gateway:
- DNS:
- Domain: amber.local
- check off 'Automatically connect'
- Give host name: nmon01-amber
- add nmon01 to DNS on ad01
- add a sudo user, disable root SSH and manage with sudo account via PuTTY from mgmt01 Secured SSH
Install and Test SNMP Client on nmon01:
- using PuTTY install SNMP
- command: sudo yum install net-snmp-utils
- use nslookup to check fw01 connection
- look at the SNMP values from fw01
- command: snmpwalk -Os -c SYS265 -v2c fw01-amber system
Install SNMPD on web01:
- using web01 on PuTTY install snmp
- command: sudo yum install net-snmp-utils net-snmp
- make a copy of the snmp configuration file
- command: cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
- move the copy to a different directory
- command: mv /etc/snmp.snmpd.conf ~ (directory)
- create a new version of the file
- command: vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
- edit the file to read the following:
- "com2sec myNetwork SYS265 (next line) group myROGroup v2c myNetwork (next line) view all included .1 80 (next line) access myROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
- now enable, start, and check the status of the snmpd service
- systemctl enable snmpd
- systemctl start snmpd
- systemctl status snmpd
- allow port161/UDP through the firewall permanently
- command: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=161/UDP
- command: firewall-cmd --reload
- from nmon01, query web01 DNS
- on nmon01 check snmp connection
- snmpwalk -Os -c SYS265 -v2c web01-amber system
Install SNMP Service on AD01
- install SNMP service feature on AD01 using Server Manager on MGMT
Install SNMP Tools on MHMT01
- install SNMP-Tools Remote Administration Feature on MGM01
Enable Remote Management on AD01
- invoke a Remote PowerShell Session with AD01 from mgmt01
- This will allow the remote computer management for ad01
- Change the firewall rules once in the PowerShell session
- command: Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Event Log Management" -Enabled True
- open Remote Computer Management on AD01 (there should be no error)
SNMP Service Security PRoperties on AD01
- go to 'Services and Applications' --> "Services"
- find SNMP Service, right-click for properties
- go to 'Security'
- add 'SYS265' to the community names
- add 'nmon01-yourname'as a host and remove localhost
- restart SNMP Service on ad01