Sherlic examples - adaamko/wikt2def GitHub Wiki

False positives

15 -> is country followed by > is following

74 -> is scoring to lead > is having to lead

173 -> B is submitting to A > A is giving to B

175 -> A is serving a director of B > A is director of B

False negatives


30 -> is center of > is heart of -

38 -> is finishing in > is teaming in -

39 -> A is being attacked by B -> B launches war against A

44 -> is signing with > is playing for

46 -> is spending in > is coming to

64 -> is needing to beat > is facing

65 -> B is squaring against A > A is playing B

67 -> A sees B > A is thinking of B

75 -> is taking to > is visiting

85 -> is importing from > is supplier of

106 -> is edging > has advantage over

115 -> is complaining about > is attacking

124 -> is in control of > is having

125 -> is building > is found by

126 -> is releasing for > is announcing

132 -> is exploiting > is colonizing

136 -> A is having edge over B > B is losing to A

137 -> is pressing > is threatening

138 -> is elected to defeat > is running against

142 -> is opening lead over > is defeating

152 -> is being acquired by > is paying for

154 -> A is winning without B > B is player for A

Not found in definitions

86 -> is explaining in > is describing in

95 -> is surpassing > is overtaking

101 -> is establishing > is creating

119 -> has advantage over > is outperforming

123 -> A is going to invade B > B is being attacked by A

127 -> A is trouncing B > B is conceding A

158 -> is conceding to > is losing to

162 -> is bashing > is beating

Examples of finding entailment

These are examples, where the expand method was needed

  • 975 -> B is signing treaty with A ; B has agreement with A ;

    treaty: 'A binding agreement concluded by subjects of international law, namely states and international organizations.'

    {('agreement', 'understanding', 0), ('course', 'specific', 0), ('understanding', 'entity', 0), ('follow', 'course', 2)}

  • 925 -> B is having control of A ; B has influence in A ;

    influence: 'The power to affect, control or manipulate something or someone; the ability to change the development of fluctuate,fluctuating things such as conduct, thoughts or decisions.'

    {('control', 'something', 2), ('thing', 'conduct', 0), ('development', 'thing', 0), ('ability', 'something', 0), ('influence', 'power', 0), ('something', 'ability', 0), ('thing', 'fluctuating', 0), ('change', 'development', 2)}

  • 826 -> B is granting to A ; B is giving to A

    grant: 'to give (permission or wish)'

    {('something', 'somewhere', 0), ('provide', 'something', 2), ('give', 'move', 0), ('something', 'abstract', 0)}

  • 783 -> A is helping B ; A is giving to B ;

    help: Action given to provide assistance; aid.

    {('something', 'somewhere', 0), ('provide', 'something', 2), ('give', 'move', 0), ('something', 'abstract', 0)}

  • 672 -> A is being assassinated in B ; A is murdered in B

    assassinate: 'To murder someone, especially an important person, by a sudden or obscure attack, especially for ideological or political reasons.'

    {('act', 'human', 0), ('human', 'especially', 0), ('murder', 'act', 0), ('human', 'act', 0)}

  • 536 -> A is trailing B ; A is behind B ;

    trail: To follow behind (someone or something); to tail (someone or something).

    {('back', 'of', 0), ('something', 'else', 0), ('behind', 'position', 0)}

An error made by the UD parser?

  • 167 -> A is being born in town of B ; A is being born at B



Simpler case, where basically the two share a common word, more can be found with the id's above

  • 183 -> A is currency in B ; A is unit of currency of B {('currency', 'money', 0), ('facilitate', 'transaction', 2), ('use', 'facilitate', 0), ('item', 'other', 0)}