ICP_3 - acvc279/Python_Deeplearning GitHub Wiki

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/swWeSEUte9k

Q1: Create a class Employee and then do the following

Created an Employee Class and init a name,family,department.Thn created a functions for employee count and average salary. After that created a fulltime employee class and inherited the properties of an employee class and then called the function.

Q2: Write a simple program that parse a Wiki page mentioned below and follow the instructions:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning.

At first install the libraries then import Beautifulsoup from bs4 for parser the links and also import requests for allowing us to use the http. Printed the heading from the given link and append a links to the text file.

Q3: Using NumPy create random vector of size 20 having only floating the range 1-20.

Imported numpy form the library for matrix form and by using randem we generated randem numbers from 1 to 20 and reshaped the list by using reshape function. Finally replaceing the maximum number with zero and print the list.

Learned from these ICP

  1. how to use inheritance concept.
  2. Beautifulsoup library usage in webscrapping.
  3. how numpy is used and reshape function is used.