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Published to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MlhKeAod4Q

Welcome to React Actum Course

During the course, we will have 8 lessons in a meeting room and will research this beautiful tools together. After a lesson, you will get homework like watching videos which content, from our opinions, is the best in the Free Internet. After applying you will get access to the slack channel to discuss and help to each other during the education road to the top of React. The Code of our lessons and your Q&A during the course will be kept here, also the recorded lessons will be kept in Intranet, so if you miss a lesson you can watch it and see the code. At the end of the course, you will get the tasks to create your own project using React/Redux environment to check your skill. Our expectations about the results of this course are:

  • You can use the main ideas of React
  • You understand the Component approach and the Architecture of the unidirectional data flow
  • You can develop SPA using React/Redux
  • You know your ways how to continue to learn React/Redux environment


For this course, you should have knowledge of JavaScript 🔥 ES6🔥 and basic of HTML/CSS. If you are new in ES6, you can complete the lack watching ES6 in our Local Recources (2, 6, 12, 18, 28, 47, 52)

Local Resources

ES6: smb://share.wmc.local/ActumData/A_Internal/Knowledge base/Library/Javascript & jQuery/ES6_For_Everyone

WesBos React: smb://share.wmc.local/ActumData/A_Internal/Knowledge base/Library/Javascript & jQuery/React for beginners

Recorded videos from lessons: smb://share.wmc.local/ActumData/A_Internal/Knowledge base/Library/Javascript & jQuery/React course

The Course Plan

When Where Topics H/W Resources Is Recorded
1 April 5th, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE Concepts, Virtual DOM, JSX, React tool, Props, State, PropsTypes, Types of syntax 1-10 WesBos React Lesson #1
2 April 12th, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE A Component Lifecycle, Connection with DOM, Form Validation 11-20 WesBos React Lesson #2
3 April 26th, 16.30 - 17.30 REDLIGHT HOC, Animation 21-25 WesBos React Lesson #3
4 May 3rd, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE 3rd part component, Form validation 26-30 WesBos React Lesson #4
5 May 10th, 16.30 - 17.30 REDLIGHT Flux Architecting pattern, Difference between Flux lib and Redux, The Redux features 1-7 WesBos Redux Lesson #5
6 May 17th, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE Store, Actions. Reducers, Synch Data Flow with Redux 8-14 WesBos Redux Lesson #6
7 May 25th, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE React-Redux, Middlewares, Asynch Data Flow with Redux 15-20 WesBos Redux Lesson #7
8 May 31th, 16.30 - 17.30 MONTMARTE React Routing 1-11 Egghead React Router, (optional) 1-14 Egghead React Router v4 What is next?