Best Practices - actonline/privacy GitHub Wiki

Here are some tips for small teams building apps. It only takes a small amount of effort to make a big difference in how your app handles privacy.

Storing data

Treat any personally identifiable information with the same respect you would give your own credit card:

  • Only store what you need.
  • Store it in as few places as possible (but still maintain good backups).
  • Never transmit data unencrypted.

Working with third parties

  • Evaluate the privacy policies of each third party you work with.
  • Create data walls so contractors and partners only have access to the date they absolutely need to have access to.
  • Create a recurring appointment to re-evaluate your practices and partner policies regurarly.
  • Educate your co-works about privacy best practices

Think about privacy from the user's point of view

  • Create personas for the different users of your app (child, teacher, parent, ...)
  • Prepare answers to privacy related questions that may come up.
  • Be proactive about telling people about privacy.